KF19.indd 1 7319 1112 AM FEATURES FallWinter 2019 26 STAYING LOCAL 22 GET SMART ABOUT ASTHMA Golisanos Asthma Champions Team is a multi-tiered support system to help patients and their parents understand cope with the disease its health challenges. Learn about specialized pediatric medical services, from burn treatment inpatient dialysis, that are now offered at Golisano Childrens Hospital. Parents young no longer need travel outside community obtain these treatments. 28 SMALL BUT MIGHTY Designed specifically for children, this emergency room puts all focus on caring kids. From smallersized equipment beds cheerful dcor toy chest, department not your traditional ER. 2 1200 PM 3 1113 DEPARTMENTS 10 18 34 4 HELLO 8 Armando Llechu, Chief Administrative Officer CLASSES 38 Sign Up HEALTH TALK INNOVATIONS GETTING AROUND 40 Quality Care Close Home Tips Doc 14 Bladder Testing 15 Taking Charge of Batteries WELLNESS SUNSHINE EXPLORERS 16 Adventures With Sunny Sparkle 42 Sleep Strategies Facing Their Fears 44 Understanding Epilepsy Off College OUT SUPPORT MINI CHEFS 46 Spending Time Together Healthy Kid-Friendly Cooking ACTIVE LIFESTYLE 52 A Ray Light 54 Learning Opportunities 32 Too Hot Handle Safe Stylish Head Gear 36 Prevent Sports Injuries INSPIRING 56 The Jones Family 5 Guide Keeping Children PUBLICATION OF GOLSANO CHILDRENS HOSPITAL SOUTHWEST FLORIDA KidsFirstMagazine.org PUBLISHER Daniela J. Jaeger EDITOR Patricia Letakis CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jason PROOFREADER CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Klaudia Balogh Gina Birch Susan Holly Beth Luberecki Matthew Solan PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Nick Adams Dave Drotleff Myles Mellor ADVERTISING SALES Friedrich N. 239-472-0205, ext. 102 100 Michael Rawers ext.107 DIGITAL APP Philip Lippard, Sanibel Logic PUBLISHERS Times Islands RSW Living Gulf Main Bonita Estero Cape Coral FOR EMAIL INQUIRIES totimedia.comcontactus P.O. Box 1227, Island, FL 33957 T F 239-395-2125 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. Copyright by TOTI Media, Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may be reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors necessarily those 6 1114 7 Lee Health Board Directors Stephen R. Brown, M.D., Chairman CEO, Larry Antonucci, M.D. Operating Medical Officer, Scott Nygaard, Services Llechu Regional Emad Salman, VP Operations Nurse Executive, Ryckman, R.N. Program Development Coordinator, Alyssa Bostwick, R.N., C.P.N. Foundation Trustees Pason Gaddis, Chris Simoneau Senior Director Marketing, Tiffany Whitaker, A.P.R. Major Gift Hospital Melody Desilets 9981 S. HealthPark Drive Fort Myers, 33908 hank you choosing read Kids First magazine, Hospitals newest effort keep children Southwest Florida healthy, well home. As regional childrens hospital, we committed well-being. We proud produce Floridas only solely dedicated sharing expert-sourced wellness information. Our hope magazine content will ensure in our region healthiest they can be, keeping them out hospital if possible. fortunate have many great partners community, who work alongside us delivery care serve as publication. serves valuable resource bringing experience advice compassionate staff experts, partners, caretakers regions children. feel being proactive making information available professional social responsibility which live serve. aim address topics questions relevant here now. things make difference lives for. You count free offer latest health-related such seasonal tips, mind body wellness, local healthcare resources, nutrition, active lifestyles, safety risk awareness, inspirational stories. deliver world-class close This an extension commitment. made possible partnership businesses sponsors believe mission. find valuable, informative enjoyable. I encourage share it friends family members, subscribe receive future issues digitally kidsfirstmagazine.org. 9 1115 BY MATTHEW SOLAN TIPS FROM THE DOC Helping kids get ready school It takes village. Parents, caregivers, educational institutions, providers, law enforcement faith-based communities, among others, partner every child be. At Hospital, both body. In relevant, timely, Each issue includes prepare coming season helpful lifestyles focuses timely matters going into new year, including fall sports, sleep habits, more. Talk section provides thoughtful one communitys leading pediatricians. goal admissions down season, equipped better outcomes hospitalization necessary. --Emad he winter exciting time begins best year Christmas fast approaching kid day year. But calendar flips cooler months, should more diligent following good habits. when exposed germs illnesses school, cold flu begins, says Dr. Nathan Landefeld, pediatrician Physicans Primary Myers Coral. Here some tips recommends healthy days grow shorter cooler. Teach handwashing etiquette. hands clean, especially reduce germ exposure. Dont just tell wash hands--show how do it. Walk through entire process. way learn right amount liquid soap use size quarter sides hands, paying extra attention 11 1116 nails. To long enough, sing Happy Birthday or alphabet song twice. also tape step-by-step reminder above sink. Also, remind after using bathroom, before eating, whenever come inside. Properly sneeze cough. Another protect against exposure teach cough inside elbow instead hands. Drink reusable water bottle. fountain contaminated germs. Plus, drinking bottle throughout stay hydrated colder dryer weather. Some shouldnt shared. Sharing everyday items like hats, hair ribbons, combs increase contracting spreading head lice. Use sunscreen. Apply youngsters venture even cloudy common winter. sunscreen SPF least 30. Get shot. Centers Disease Control annual influenza vaccines everyone age months older. Flu seasons begin early October peak between December February. Insurance companies often cover shots, most pharmacies. Keep two weeks vaccination protective antibodies develop. Dress layers. When comes staying warm dry, easier remove item than add one. Dressing layers helps fluctuating temperatures-- Florida--that range during day. rule wear layer clothing adult would wear, suggests American Academy Pediatrics. For protection, follow three-layer guideline. base fit snug synthetic fabrics wick moisture. middle insulate wool, fleece, pullover sweater. outer waterproof jacket shell protects wind avoid cotton absorbs moisture sweat chilly weather cold. plenty shut-eye. Early times throw off childs schedule, enjoyed summer. Adequate fatigue minds sharp. National six 13 nine hours sleep, teenagers 17 eight hours. Set up bedtime routine cutting stimulating phone computer dark cool. consider adding sound machine relax. F.A.A.P., general Physicians practicing 12 video urodynamic study detect problems BLADDER TESTING C. Carr, Ph.D., board-certified urologist director urology Florida. 1117 PHOTOS NICK ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY f has urination problem doesnt respond regular treatments, doctor recommend see urologist. If conventional therapy does help, then VUDS indicated. test determine bladder functions, expands filled urine, much hold, drains, changes pressure. normal problems, so kidney infections renal Specifically, she Urine leakage Frequent painful sudden, strong pee Problems beginning urine stream completely emptying urinary tract Spina bifida other spinal abnormalities outpatient procedure 90 minutes. Your eat drink usual test. possible, try bowel movement morning test, evening before. During procedure, small tube called catheter placed urethra passage. contrast tube, monitors pressure bladder. put rectum measure abdominal pressures. tubes uncomfortable, but hurt. urge urinate monitored closer look action, Carr. Its anxiety testing. explain what happen bring favorite comfort item, stuffed animal, book, Carr action. --Dr. blanket, toy, case newborns, pacifier watch movie An on-site life specialist stays process provide distractions. mild sedation given situation warrants drinks fluids afterwards. He stinging burning urinating first few discomfort lasts 48 hours, develops fever, contact doctor. S Swallowing coin-shaped battery serious consequences child. prevent accidents. TAKING CHARGE BATTERIES mall, round batteries replaced AA AAA household items, toys. While last longer, tiny big Many think smaller dont skills open devices toys batteries, yet sometimes do. Or lying around house drawers partially opened packages, Nichole Shimko, neonatal transport team supervisor batterys size, coin button, makes likely place his her mouth. swallowed, travels straight stomach where naturally expelled. However, percentage lodged esophagus, runs throat stomach. because esophagus narrower opening adult, Shimko. Once stuck, constant low level electrical current slowly tissue. visualize damage do, slit hot dog Within hour, meat surrounding darken circular burns appear less three Emergency rooms seen growing number swallowing cases, batteries. fact, younger went ER object doubled 1995 2015, according May Coins were followed toys, jewelry, button almost cases. years affected, lack ability fully communicate, cant Shimkos experiment demonstrates swallowed could esophagus. always something was. Instead, signs. These include swallowing, drooling, crying, coughing, irritability, andor breathing problems. signs vague, delay care. any reason battery, immediately him essence, treated soon, cause significant tissue hole, requires surgery repair. How Prevention medicine. Shimko note aware compartment easy open, secure tape. store unused sealed containers locked away reach. B.S.N., C.C.R.N., C.P.N., C-N.P.T., registered nurse certified critical transport. She clinical coordinator specialty services resources area transporting definitive back Sparkle. They had lot fun summer long, safe start On list well, exercise, pay attention, rules. Ill race swings ve THOUSANDS books Well, maybe many--but was thousands words. Me too. Books me happy. My megalodons. huge sharks used Ha never catch me. Im faster ying unicorn. mom special chicken taquitos papayas squirt told me, taste really good. till lunch hungry. trade my blueberry yogurt squirting papaya. Sunny, teacher said choose reading buddy. Want mine OK. That must mean twice books. Alligator Antelope Crocodile Elephant Giraffe Gorilla Hippopotamus Lion H E D V R B C Z X P G J O Y U N Q K L M W Monkey Parrot Python Rhino Tiger Tortoise Zebra Hold up, line hall. Wait, move guard gives signal. looking ways rst, helping crossing job. line. shoes wont put, theyre taking feet them. 1118 GINA BIRCH Jose Colon shares secrets veggies meal together daughter Jada importance vegetables daily diet. HEALTHY KID-FRIENDLY COOKING Evidence-based medicine shows involved cooking eating actually Colon, Pediatric Wellness Committee lmost parent stories revolt dinner table vegetables. Victory battles clever strategy. prescribes dose offering programs healthful adventure parents, grandparents importantly specializes neurology Health, chairman leads demonstrations entertaining, inspiring families. development brain based points out. suggest five servings fruits day, important. might seem impossible task, full brilliant techniques hiding foods normally eats. grinds stalks broccoli food processor mix 5050 ground beef burgers. bite half vegetable beef. softer burgers, prefer texture. cumin turmeric flavor sliced avocado top decrease inflammation meat, physician. recipe prepares 7-year-old Jada. 19 whip tasty, nutritious smoothie says, consumed car. frozen berries, kale, vanilla almond milk, scoop pea protein, Start letting creamy consistency. drop pasta sprinkle laughs, seasonings. over nonthick side sip. heated stove. Let seasonare sucking straw ings afterwards talk. talk, fight. flavor, adds. fancy spices kitchen, Even cooking, love cumin, paprika. want health. Spices inflammation. Empowering spicy, flavors very important generaneed salt. tion chronic disease. invested Obesity epidemic United grocery store. States illness Make game shopping allowing debilitating disease, pick meals Father cook together. preventable. preparation. Have become prevalent left identify various unchecked yours expectancy cookie bakery. report New England Journal Medicine. fun. serving palm trees silly faces breakfast. Cook organic sausage link kale. becomes trunk, kale orange slices bigger getting eat. Bonding nourishing forming habits later palms. extend length quality lives. face drummie nose, blueberries smile eyes. looks something, eat, dual qualifications neurology. chair breakfast, award-winning author still key. Association Publishers Authors sugar-laden prepackaged pastry toaster, mindfulness infant sleep. DR. COLONS FAVORITE RECIPES KIDS Phytonutrient Coconut Chicken Thighs large skillet sear thighs sides. Add flavor. Cut zucchini squash. Looking equal parts veggie squashes four pieces thighs. unsalted cashews, Amys Thai coconut soup chopped leek. until soft, crunchy. meats Try one-pot meals. Souper Easy Soup Put 32-ounce box GreenWise Organic Broth pan. bags California Blend Mixed Vegetables freezer aisle. bag cut okra However prior, mushy Pick apart leftover rotisserie mixture. Heat thoroughly. 20 21 1119 hears word asthma name same breath. symptoms sure caused it, Teresa Summe, COPD management program Florida, been designated fourth asthma-friendly true swirling pollen allergens trigger behavior coughing wheezing. Yet, stops here. doctors nurses take immediate flare-up, motivated seek follow-up complete diagnosis, Patrick 2014, addressed launching Champion Team, group physicians, pediatricians, nurses, respiratory therapists, educators. guides initial visit comprehensive months-long follow-ups education sessions designed impact impressive. Since implemented, readmissions fallen 5.7 2014 2.8 2017. ABCs airways carry air lungs sore swollen. highly sensitive foreign substances air. attack narrow difficult wheezing, rapid chest tightness, shortness See Signs Symptoms page 25. Almost people Center CDC. Prior puberty, boys girls asthma. And 59 missed school. average, miss per affected adults, attacks. Most develop five. hard diagnose. confused diseases since infections, Maeng. depending age, symptoms. 23 Maeng, pulmonary Specialists Pulmonary Medicine Clinic. But, condition, soon return, another trip room, cycle continues. either needed asthma, did know manage Summe. By addressing diagnosed, treatment, support, control repeat trips kinds medicines quick-relief stop attacks longterm There cure condition outbreaks. ongoing lifestyle measure, means approach action plan life. Teamwork play. admission, provided basic Respiratory therapists training. discharge, scheduled primary physician, pulmonology specialist, clinic. week return hour-long, one-on-one session educator. later, that, attend monthly months. between, continue 24 needed, further testing, medication review, assessment. management, coordinate medication, chance questions. Sessions additional opportunities, interactive videos, games, exercises instance, doll works visual method compare traffic light. Green there plan. Yellow needed. Red parent. 1120 SIGNS SYMPTOMS flare-ups commonly allergies. Exposure dust mites, dander dogs cats, environmental attack. non-allergic triggers, air, pollution exercise. certain patterns, occur specific times, Everything teachable moment, type interaction stronger connection child, medication. why get-togethers home environment asthma-friendly. actions, windows closed pollen, filters washing curtains trapped allergens, fresheners scented candles. offers benefits, interpreters Spanish-speaking families assistance acquiring affordable Part teams necessary information, quick-release flare-up. spend teaches allergens. teaching properly reminding relief go outside, lifelong parents. night exercise After laughing crying Coughing worse viral happens while asleep Wheezing whistling exhales Shortness breath Chest tightness say hurts feels funny Quick slows playing Infants feeding grunting sleeping due difficulty B.S., R.R.T., A.E.-C., Healths programs. pulmonologist fellow 25 Dale Ferrovecchio, cares Department options own backyard BETH LUBERECKI 1121 n past, typically Miami Tampa services. changed providing patients--and families--treatment PEDIATRIC BURN SERVICE began service 2017 hearing having send elsewhere state treatments office visits, expertise. recruited surgical team, created hospital. minor causes pain, threat infection covering Patients severe burns, genital areas major joints, sent center elsewhere, guidelines Burn Association. extends multiple assessed Room, intensive unit ICU. period, once theyve Outpatient Surgery Clinic discharge. dressing changes, involve Sedation comfortable. began, injuries. werent admitted worked basis members hospitals specialize area. INPATIENT DIALYSIS January 2018, dialysis stays, convenience requiring showing else, flu, didnt transfer Tampa. fact initiate newly diagnosed patients. catheters surgically here, home, Bostwick. initiated 400 total days, March 2019. Among General Team-- provider collaboration developed poststabilization trauma program--are Robert Minkes Amy Phipps, A.R.N.P. Evans Valerie Kristin Mareno, POST-STABALIZATION TRAUMA PROGRAM post-stabilization program. Anyone area, whether suffers unexpected car bicycle accident taken ambulance Memorial center. suffered transferred Now unless injuries brain, cared neurosurgery point, General. trauma-related transfers decreased 50 started, falling 55 2016 2018. Any stressful, youre speaking trauma, theres stressor unexpected. across town versus sending away, huge. M.B.A., M.S.N., masters degree nursing business administration. working lines mission need. Dialysis Team--the providers service--are Suzy Bunnell, manager Gaspar Cuadrao, Melissa Collins, supervisor. 27 1122 Clockwise Carmen T. Garcia examines patient mascots kid-friendly designs enhance ER, signage. geared toward icture imagine popular television show. Maybe chaotic scene, rushing treat ages suffering traumatic totally different feel. County thats clear looks. Think bright colors sterile white, cartoons TV screens, games distract siblings occupied. goes deeper appearances. staffed treating adults. said, approaches differences body, Garcia, example, different, differently. 29 1123 sees 2,500 each month, 75 illnesses, conditions present Ive review realize Garcia. Other ultrasounds X-rays, thinking pathology of. act adult. hearts pretend quite while. Assessing bit detective work. Adults pretty straightforward wrong them, Alfredo A. Vargas, attending physician department. Children, hand, inclined literally too communicate. Sometimes figure is, nonverbal cues listen gentle touch administer treatment. IVs kids, Mary Kay Silverman, pediatricneonatal say, Were IV give arm. first. Transport Jon Simon, E.M.T., Angie Holmes, newborn Golisano. Those require standard have. sizes Equipment costs money, frequently, stock everything readily available. blood cuffs child-sized bedside ultrasound assessment patient. look, Bear Hugger machines severely Medication handled differently Dosage weight usually single One bunch doses population, Everyone toes recognize dosage correct error, substantial error 30 specially needs dures way. consistent whole house. Staff training dealing circumstances cases abuse accidental drowning poisoning. often, able subtle signs, lucky enough department, certainly integral matter brought in, informaMembers resuscitate distress. Rachel Carrasco, Tracy Torrella, P.A. discharge accidents simply leave workers knowledgeable someone explaining whats person Silverman. administered. Somebut family, dad whereas Thats IV, education. priority recognizes commuat encounter nity treat. appredressed costume decreasing fears. ciative trust Theyre putting vote confidence community. patients, play lot. entrusting possessions. families, distractions waiting sick children--and side. doing procedures, can. vacuum, What boardabout board-eligible bad comfortable safe, C.E.N., building, N.E.A.-B.C., already stressed-out advanced executive. kind So supply proce31 31 1124 SAFE STYLISH HEAD GEAR wearing helmet bicycling plain cool bike shop proper variety styles, meet guidelines. correctly helmets. riders Helmet Fit Test. EYES check Position head. Look bottom rim helmet. finger-widths eyebrows. EARS Mavke straps form under ears buckled. strap snug, MOUTH Open mouth wide Do hug not, tighten buckle flat skin. helmets riding. appropriate wheeled apparatus, skateboard scooter, Kreuscher. forget too, Be role model theirs. hen safety, heads effective device injury death crashes, Sally Kreuscher, led 26,000 bicycle-related adolescents departments, law. According law, rider meets federal standards. resist looking. Kreuscher fix selection process, ride. trainer Pedestrian Bicycling Safety Resource Center. 33 TOO HOT TO HANDLE heatstroke irritability confusion mental activity, absolute indication call 911 evaluated Mansour. conscious fluids, immediately. clothing--or, car--would red, flushed skin, state. response similar--move shade, clothing, help. e Sunshine State, sticky running weekend soccer games. Breaking normal, heat-related serious. Like heatstroke, occurs overheats temperature rises 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Exertional strenuous physical activity prolonged period humid weather, non-exertional affect infants, elderly pre-existing temperatures. football practice warmer likes outdoors, heatstroke. addition degrees, heart rate, breathing, muscle cramps confusion, drowsiness. sweat, sweating. exercising, exercising immediately, Mansour, moved shade ones containing electrolytes sports performance drinks. available, compresses fan down. steps, professional, paramedics. change status, dressed appropriately breaks 1125 Heatstroke infants dangerous, inability voice heavily adults exertional outcome prognosis bodies recover quickly. coaches assess strenuously outdoors. starts complaining feeling dizzy weak, pulled cooling compresses, teamwork, perseverance skills. safely. drill workout worth jeopardizing F.C.C.M., Pediatrics Society Critical 35 KLAUDIA BALOGH Jamie Kohl, athletic School District County, student Donnie Goodman. educate teachers workshops specialization becoming prevalent, supports rounded sports. biomechanical perspective, idea promote growth, development, coordination collective rather specializing movements year-round lead imbalances overuse injuries, says. participating activities, aspects balance, strength endurance. Tesoro aware, arent date tend speak right. umbrella organization evidence-based educators PREVENT SPORTS INJURIES ost pain. however, highlights aspect prevention. gone unnoticed. Mark Tesoro, prevention educator underutilized, lower occur. 1.35 million sports-related believed preventable, Prevention, disability under. concussions, dehydration, bruises, scrapes overuse. latter again, baseball soccer, particular gets overutilized. Therefore, experts age. 1126 professionals childhood Car-seat checkups, workshops, bussafety clinics request expert workshop location choice. LeeCollier Counties parenting classes strengths set expectations kick back-to-school reinforce noting isnt hurting. though, Kohl ignore adequate nutrition either. importantly, remember let activities opportunity. purpose sport analyst tracks trends, writes grant efforts, promotes initiatives, delivers programming five-county region. M.E.D., L.A.T., A.T.C., F.M.S.C., boardcertified County. 37 SIGN UP Free confident hese Special Child Advocacy Programs, topics. Finding navigate challenges raising away. 239-343-6199, Collier 239-565-8371. Partners Parenting Classes classes, taught English Spanish, positive discipline Nurturing Program, successful course authored Bavolek, Ph.D. classes. Certificates awarded completion. 239-939-2808, 239-989-7332 239263-8383, Exceptional communication strategies, adapted needs, abstinence syndrome NAS. curriculum 239-343-6468 Mental Aid identify, substance-use disorders. eight-hour participants reach developing problem, connect Both youth modules, modules higher students EMS, offered. held Lee, Collier, Charlotte HendryGlades counties. Passenger Car Seat Education seat height install seat-safety seat-installation presentations, events private appointments child-passenger-safety technician 1127 PHOTO COURTESY GOLISANO Bicycle Fittings Certified instructors caregivers Call schedule individual Bike fitting, presentation event. 239-254-5960, Baby Class hands-on two-hour baby basics grandparents. 239-343-5224, Sitter Essentials CPR one-day class grades 6-8 alone, siblings, babysit. instructor-led role-playing exercises. 4-6 prepared alone. Drowning participates fairs presentations aquatic facilities. Workshops watcher tags upon request. AED Friends arrives. intended grandparents, childcare anyone regularly interacts Certification valid years. certification. Project ADAM Automated Defibrillators Memory aims sudden cardiac arrest teens life-saving affiliate ADAM, EMS AEDs elementary schools 239-343-5224 Additional coalition. safekidsswfl.org 39 41 1128 reset systems. retrained wake time, Colon. start, SLEEP STRATEGIES Turn nightmares sweet dreams veryone nights restorative regenerative functions snoozing. important, plays growth learn. deep hormone secreted, Health. dream consolidations memory learning occurs. vital, hard. Bedtime nightly occurrence others middleof-the-night visits wide-awake little ones. news easier. rock Putting babies crib drowsy associate spot self-soothe. dad, road. mobile toddlers evening, soothing, explains Stick routine. thrive routines, ritual bath story calm signal transition Ditch electronics. Electronics circadian stimulate Power cell phones tablets hour bedtime, charge bedrooms. Otherwise temptation there, exception watching soothing Prepare advance. relaxing break, wait minute FACING THEIR FEARS anxious, heres hether dark, chances anxious point parent, distinguish run-of-the-mill nervousness problematic. Fear thing, M. Sabo, developmental behavioral irrational, fearing shouldnt, problem. perpetuates itself worse. fear. moms dads, comfortable, inadvertently struggling, familys function, better, Sabo. avoidance strategies. today easier, tomorrow difficult. Options talk psychologist, defense irrational thoughts maladaptive behaviors fears, therapy--systematically feared controlled environment--and self-talk. anxiety, negative self-talk ourselves, recognizing real fake worry mentally convincing ourselves strategies modeling causing anxiety. Sabo build networks enjoy ward depression research lie prone illness, attendance grades, college, network acts insulation times. licensed psychologist 43 UNDERSTANDING EPILEPSY dentifying epilepsy obvious think. tonic-clonic convulsive seizures formerly known grand mal seizures. types indicators. Seizures manifestations other, Guillermo Philipps, neurologist arm leg shakes obvious. myoclonic seizure, quick jerk shoulder. Drop falls suddenly. staring space. mistaken inattention ignoring someone, Philipps clues respond, suspicious. tracks--maybe fork stop--thats concerns, step talking pediatrician. Take anything log show doctor, Philipps. next steps. confirm EEG wave MRI medications, several thing controls neurostimulation options. seizures, emphasizes. occurring years, impacts drive frequent-enough hold Receiving diagnosis daunting, remain positive. population epilepsy, thing. effects. identifying hopefully improve time. neurodevelopmental disorders OFF COLLEGE Supporting stage eading college kids--and Although theyll alcohol drugs experiencing peer academic Particularly biggest risks losing stressful lives, Richard Keelan, advocacy high developmentally appropriate. evidence keeps network. maintain relationship conversations, member openly with. people, trusted factors risks, Keelan. relationships somethings wrong, Keelan Emotional fluctuations affecting functioning, addressed. suicide concern, afraid Asking question directly--Are suicide--does thought peoples heads, emphasizes saves Not asking end preventing suicide. ask question. M.S., C.P.S.T., health-awareness responders. 1129 45 SPENDING TIME TOGETHER Navigating tow chool session. Vacation over, engaged weekends. ideas fresh-air indoor PLAYGROUNDS option playground. Youngsters run, yell romp Playing allows explore environment, coordination. Outdoor cognitive development. imaginations invent express themselves freely creatively. control, autonomy, decision-making organizational 47 1130 Creating rules understanding pure Luckily, beautiful wonderful playgrounds energy expanding creativity. BONITA SPRINGS Depot Park 10375 Pennsylvania Ave. behind Riverside CAPE CORAL Fellowship Christian 2110 Chiquita Blvd. Jaycee 4215 SW 20th Place Rotary Environmental 5505 Rose Garden Yacht Club Community 5819 Driftwood Parkway ESTERO 9200 Corkscrew Palms FORT MYERS Lakes 7330 Gladiolus Manatee 10901 Palm Beach Rutenburg 6500 Pointe Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreation 16760 Bass Road BEACH 2731 Oak St. SANIBEL ISLAND 2231 Periwinkle Way 49 1131 THEATERS theater joyful appreciation art lessons. Plays display complexities human conflicts. acting greater sense compassion, along focused listening understanding. cast audience engaging diverse backgrounds, experiences viewpoints. involvement performance, movies. outing polite behavior. opportunity manners. sitting down, whispering respecting someones stage. Theater reminds digital communication. effectively resolve conflict respectable communicate feelings others. viewing theatrical singing science, inquisitive history, discussing music. creativity curiosity. thriving performing arts culture theater, performances giving introduce art. plans theaters. Arts Springs 239-495-8989, artcenterbonita.org Alliance 239-939-2787, artinlee.org Barbara B. Mann Performing Hall 239-481-4849, bbmannpah.com Broadway Dinner Theatre 239-278-4422, broadwaypalm.com Repertory 239-332-4488, floridarep.org NAPLES ArtisNaples 239-597-1900, artisnaples.org BIG ARTS, 239-395-0900, bigarts.org 51 PATRICIA LETAKIS RAY LIGHT Meet David Hamera, Ambassador y job matter, Dressed light-colored pants, white shirt pale blue vest, Hamera volunteers easily recognizable seeking navigating elevator door opens floor. welcome smile, volunteering 2017, crew helped past 5th floor, matter. Often volunteer, hes His simple Always hi habit acknowledging key ambassador basically people. enjoyable interact people--staff ultimate reward hug. recalls came opened. asked spent engineering client ever admits wife volunteer junkies. Neonatal Intensive Unit NICU. busy donated money retired donate Ambassador, leehealth.org click Become Volunteer. contacted Volunteer Resources orientation, interview placement fits interest schedule. 53 Barbaras HematologyOncology cancer survivor himself, 2000 radiation cancer. 50s, OK different. duties handing badges passes, buzzing units, escorting desk room. Flavor Harvest Caf laundry facilities records office, library directs folks Ronald McDonald complimentary sack lunches, snacks. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES infant-care expectant 1132 BOTTOM LEFT AND TOP RIGHT eing hard, situation. spearheads isolated dont. skill beyond typical parenting, needs. Knowing alone Through lived Outside conjunction locations Supported Prendergast Endowment Fund, courses stress discipline. book effectively. --Kristin Millet, South infantcare covers booster date, Lorena Rodriguez, advocate tells appointment aid 18. course, mental-health issues, by-appointment checks. Every checks, issue. 239-343-6199 appointment. seats installed incorrectly, hidden knows about. offerings sign leehealth.orgclasses in-hospital 239-343-5890 E.D., managing Program. education, ESL, literacy programs, locally abroad. Rodriguez Finn ason Jones, aka Big Mama B103.9 FMs show, loves story. took airwaves wife, Sara, fertility IVF conceive. born C-section early, weighing pounds, ounce, followers media posts video. Finns 72-day NICU journey proved source stability family. NICU, became said. experience. gave miracle Finn. Throughout stay, Joneses juggle daughter, Bella, Saras Mothers Day, special. happy Finnegan fortunate, worried. saw leaving. med-flighted 72 all. bumps road, felt receiving truly far donors JONES FAMILY 58 1137 57 MEMORY CARDS INSIDE FALLWINTER VOL. NO. ool h c d Rea ealth ety Saf EATING FIRST-RATE PINT-SIZE PATIENTS SAVVY FREE PARENTING AVOID HEATSTROKE WEAR BICYCLE HELMETS BE READY, CONFIDENT NEW PROGRAMS YOU SHOULD KNOW 1157

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